Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Ancient India – a knowledge society.

Ancient India – a knowledge society. Ancient India was a knowledge superpower. In
2001, a strategic taskforce report was published by the Planning Commission of India titled
“India as a knowledge superpower”. In the foreword to the report, the Deputy Chairman of
the Planning Commission of India mentioned that “India is an ancient civilization with a rich
heritage. It has a vast storehouse of knowledge in various fields, but general awareness of
much of it is inadequate.” Another member of the same planning commission who later on,
became the President of India - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kal
ām elaborated this in his book ‘Ignited
Minds’ that “Ancient India was a knowledge society and a leader in many intellectual
pursuits, particularly in the fields of mathematics, medicine and astronomy.”
 So what if India
had a glorious past? What now? In response to such relevant questions, Dr. A.P.J.Kalam
offers a wonderful advice to create a knowledge society in India and calls for using our
ancient scriptures with the modern scientific methods to create a new source of knowledge
that is useful for the generations to come. 

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